Week Six Quizzes

Image result for read this
Below are links to your vocabulary quizzes and Unit 5: Rome Quiz.  These will need to be taken during the first portion of class.

Before you take your vocabulary quiz, you can play Quizlet Live a few times.  Ask Mrs. Hatley to write down who the winners of each game are and I will add extra credit points to your quiz.

Standard Quizlet
Honors Quizlet

Dum dum duuuummmmm . . . 
Standard Quiz
Honors Quiz

After you have completed the quiz, please take a QUIZ for Unit 5: Rome.  
Unit 5: Rome Quiz

All of your Unit 5: Rome Module is due by midnight.  I HIGHLY suggest you take this time and use it wisely to get these assignments done.  I hope you all come to the Homecoming game tonight, so you do not have time to mess around in class!! (Especially Honors, because you have a pep rally today!)


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