Week 10: Age of Exploration

Image result for age of exploration

New week, new quarter, new expectations:

  • All late work will now have an automatic 30 points deduction.
  • There will be strict cut off dates for late assignments that will correlate with progress reports.
  • Standard:  There will no longer be a curve on test grades.  This will require you to study and prepare for tests more than relying on a curve to help your grade.
Week 10: Age of Exploration (These words will be due and there will be a quiz on November 9.) Definitions     Quizlet
  1. Leif Erikkson
  2. Henry the Navigator
  3. Astrolabe
  4. Caravel
  5. Christopher Columbus
  6. Ferdinand Magellan
  7. Circumnavigate
  8. Columbian Exchange
  9. Conquistadors
  10. Encomienda System
  11. Plantations
  12. Protestants
  13. Spanish Armada
  14. Northwest Passage
  15. Charter
  16. Immune
  17. Middle Passage
  18. African Diaspora
Wednesday, November 1
Daily Question:  What is a goal that you have for this quarter? (What do you want to accomplish between now and January?...school related)
E1. Europeans Set Sail

Thursday, November 2
Daily Question:  What was the European's motivation for exploring?
E2. Europeans Reach the Americas
Friday, November 3
Daily Question:  What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe?  On America?
E3.  Spain Builds an Empire
Google Slides
Spanish Explorer's Map
Assessment Questions:
  1. Who was Moctezuma II?
  2. How was Hernan Cortes able to conquer the Aztec Empire?
  3. What advantages did the Spanish have over the Aztecs?
  4. What was the encomienda system?
  5. Why do you think the Spanish king commanded the Catholic priests to teach Native Americans about Christianity?
Next Wednesday, you will take a unit vocabulary assessment based on the words found in this QUIZLET.  Be reviewing and studying these words.


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