Week 10: Age of Exploration
New week, new quarter, new expectations:
- All late work will now have an automatic 30 points deduction.
- There will be strict cut off dates for late assignments that will correlate with progress reports.
- Standard: There will no longer be a curve on test grades. This will require you to study and prepare for tests more than relying on a curve to help your grade.
Week 10: Age of Exploration (These words will be due and there will be a quiz on November 9.) Definitions Quizlet
- Leif Erikkson
- Henry the Navigator
- Astrolabe
- Caravel
- Christopher Columbus
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Circumnavigate
- Columbian Exchange
- Conquistadors
- Encomienda System
- Plantations
- Protestants
- Spanish Armada
- Northwest Passage
- Charter
- Immune
- Middle Passage
- African Diaspora
Wednesday, November 1
Daily Question: What is a goal that you have for this quarter? (What do you want to accomplish between now and January?...school related)
E1. Europeans Set Sail
Thursday, November 2
Daily Question: What was the European's motivation for exploring?
E2. Europeans Reach the Americas
Friday, November 3
Daily Question: What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe? On America?
E3. Spain Builds an Empire
Google Slides
Spanish Explorer's Map
Assessment Questions:
E3. Spain Builds an Empire
Google Slides
Spanish Explorer's Map
Assessment Questions:
- Who was Moctezuma II?
- How was Hernan Cortes able to conquer the Aztec Empire?
- What advantages did the Spanish have over the Aztecs?
- What was the encomienda system?
- Why do you think the Spanish king commanded the Catholic priests to teach Native Americans about Christianity?
Next Wednesday, you will take a unit vocabulary assessment based on the words found in this QUIZLET. Be reviewing and studying these words.
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