Week 8: High Middle Ages

Week 8: High Middle Ages Quizlet
- Magna Carta
- Due Process of Law
- Habeas Corpus
- Parliament
- Holy Roman Empire
- Lay Investiture
- Charter
- Crusades
- Holy Land
- Black Death
- Epidemic
- Schism
- Long Bow
Monday, October 16
Daily Question: Why did Pope Leo III crown Charlemagne the Roman king?
8.1 Royal Power Grows
- Google Slides
- Guided Notes
- Assessment Questions
- How did monarchs in England and France expand royal authority and lay the foundations for united nation-states?
- How did nobles and the Church stand in the way of kings who wanted more power
- Summarize: How did William increase royal power in England.
- Explain the importance of the Magna Carta.
- Explain the importance of the Model Parliament.
Tuesday, October 17
Daily Question: What impact did William the Conqueror and Henry II have on the role of the kingdom?
8.2 Hole Roman Empire and the Church
Wednesday, October 18
Daily Question: Describe what lay investiture is and why the Pope would have had a problem with it.
If you are going to the State Fair, read over 8.3 The Crusades and be familiar with the information. (You will probably want to watch the videos too!) Google Slides
Those in class will be completing a Crusades Map Activity after watching this video.
If you are going to the State Fair, read over 8.3 The Crusades and be familiar with the information. (You will probably want to watch the videos too!) Google Slides
Those in class will be completing a Crusades Map Activity after watching this video.
Honors also watch this...
Thursday, October 19
Daily Question: Overall, do you feel the Crusades were a success or failure? Explain.
8.5 A Time of Crisis
Friday, October 20
Daily Question:
High Middle Ages Assessment
Vocabulary Chart Due and Quiz
Middle Ages Video
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