Week 10: Age of Exploration
New week, new quarter, new expectations: All late work will now have an automatic 30 points deduction. There will be strict cut off dates for late assignments that will correlate with progress reports. Standard: There will no longer be a curve on test grades. This will require you to study and prepare for tests more than relying on a curve to help your grade. Week 10: Age of Exploration (These words will be due and there will be a quiz on November 9.) Definitions Quizlet Leif Erikkson Henry the Navigator Astrolabe Caravel Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Circumnavigate Columbian Exchange Conquistadors Encomienda System Plantations Protestants Spanish Armada Northwest Passage Charter Immune Middle Passage African Diaspora Wednesday, November 1 Daily Question: What is a goal that you have for this quarter? (What do you want to accomplish between now and January?...school related) E1. Europeans Set Sail G...