Test Tomorrow!

Be sure to study for your test tomorrow that covers the early Middle Ages.  Study your notes and the PowerPoints.  You can use THIS website to help you too!!

Since the power was out this afternoon, you will need to complete the 7.4 notes section on your own for homework and share it with me before you come to class on Thursday.  The PowerPoint and notes are available under Links to Docs. 

Vocabulary for section 7.4: 
Charter:  a written document that set out the rights and privileges of a town
Capital:  money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise
Tenant Farmer:  someone who would pay rent to a lord to farm part of the lord's land
Middle Class:  a group of people, including merchants, traders and artisans, whose rank was between nobles and peasants
Guild:  an association of merchants or artisans, who cooperated to uphold standards of their trade and to protect their economic interests
Apprentice:  a young person learning a trade from a master
Journeyman:  a salaried worker employed by a guild master


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