Week 16: WWII and Assessment

This is your LAST vocabulary list of the course!!! When we return from Christmas Break we will be in full blown review mode, so there will be no more vocabulary!!!
This week, you will only have eight words to actually complete, but you will have a cumulative vocabulary assessment on Friday from Weeks 14-16. You have done great on these words, so this should be easy. I have included the Quizlet for all the words below so you can study this week. This week's words are all over the place, but they address the end of WWII and a few words we missed along the way.
Be sure to write the definition, a sentence, and draw a picture for each word.
Week 16 Vocabulary QUIZLET
- Manhattan Project
- Marshall Plan
- Capitalism
- Open Door Policy
- Dollar Diplomacy
- Great Depression
- Maginot Line
- Kellogg Briand Pact
Monday, December 11
Daily Question:
32.4 The Allied Victory
- Google Slides
- Guided Notes
- Assessment Questions
- For each name or term, write a sentence explaining its significance: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Battle of Stalingrad, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Kamikaze
- Which battle do you think was the most important in turning the war in favor of the Allies? Why?
- Why did Stalin want the United States and Britain to launch a second front in the west?
- How did the Allies try to conceal the true location for the D-Day landings?
- What brought about the Japanese surrender?
- How do governments gather support for a war effort on the homefront?
- Should governments have the power to limit the rights of their citizens during wartime? Explain your answer.
- Did President Truman make the correct decision in using the atomic bomb? Why or why not?
Tuesday, December 12
Daily Question:
Wednesday, December 13
Daily Question
32.5 Europe and Japan in Ruins
- Online Textbook
- Assessment Questions
- For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance: Nuremberg Trials, demilitarization, democratization
- How did the aftermath of the war in Europe differ from the aftermath of the war in Japan?
- WHy did so many Europeans take to the roads and wander the countryside after the war?
- How did the Allies deal with the issue of war crimes in Europe?
- What three programs did General Douglas MacArthur introduce during the US occupation of Japan?
- Honors: Why do you think that many Europeans favored communism after World War II?
- Honors: Do you think it wa right for the Allies to try only Nazi and Japanese leaders for war crimes? Why or why not?
Thursday, December 14
Daily Question: Should someone be held accountable for their actions during war? (ex. Nuremberg Trials)
The World Wars - Never Surrender
- Watch video
- Complete viewing guide questions and supplement (Honors: Primary Source, Standard: Map Activity)
Friday, December 15
Daily Question: What are you interested in learning more about of World War II?
Cumulative Vocabulary Quiz
World War II Assessment
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