Week 3: Ancient India (Hinduism/Buddhism)

- Subcontinent
- Atman
- Moksha
- Reincarnation
- Karma
- Dharma
- Ahimsa
- Caste
- Nirvana
- Dowry
- Eightfold Path
- Four Noble Truths
*Your vocabulary lists are due on FRIDAY. You are expected to make a three column chart.
- Column One: Word
- Column Two: Definition
- Column Three: Picture (you draw this based upon something that will help you remember the meaning)
Monday, September 11
Daily Question: How did religion and learning play an important role in Ancient Egypt?
2.5 Roots of Judaism
- Prezi: Ancient Middle East and Egypt (174-216)
- Guided Notes
- Psalm 23
- Twelve Tribes of Israel Map
Daily Question: How did the worship of only one God shape Judaism?
Chapters 1/2 Assessment
Tuesday, September 12
Daily Question: How did the worship of only one God shape Judaism?
Chapters 1/2 Assessment
Daily Question: How do you feel about your test? How will you better prepare next week?
3.1 Early Civilizations of Indian and Pakistan
- Prezi: Ancient India and China (1-55)
- Guided Notes
- 3.1 Early Civilizations of India and Pakistan Assessment
Wednesday, September 13
Daily Question: How do you feel about your test? How will you better prepare next week?
3.1 Early Civilizations of Indian and Pakistan
Daily Question: Describe the geography of the Indian subcontinent.
3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part 1
Thursday, September 14
Daily Question: Describe the geography of the Indian subcontinent.
3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part 1
Daily Question: Define Hinduism in six words.
3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part 2
Friday, September 15
Daily Question: Define Hinduism in six words.
3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part 2
Daily Question: How does Buddhism differ from Hinduism?
3.3 Powerful Empires of India
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