Week 6: Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome Study Packet Directions: Use the following resources to study the key ideas and events of Ancient Rome. Your completed packet is due on Friday, October 6. Week 6 Vocabulary Honors Standard Quizlet Etruscans Veto Republic Patrician Plebeian Consul Dictator Tribune Legion Imperialism Latifundia Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus Julius Caesar Augustus Hadrian Pax Romana Census Virgil Ptolemy Satirize Mosaic Aqueduct Messiah Apostle Paul Constantine Martyr Clergy Bishop Patriarch Pope Heresy Augustine Diocletian Inflation Constantinople Attila the Hun/Huns Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals Mercenary 5.1 The Roman World Takes Shape Textbook Link Guided Reading Questions (Standard) Guided Reading Questions (Honors) Romulus and Remus Ted Ed Video on Teenage Life in Rome 5.2 From Republic to Empire Textbook Link Guided Reading Questio...