Late Work
It is becoming a problem with some of you about turning your work in on time. Up to this point, I had hoped to not start a late work policy, but here it goes....
You will have time in class to work on assignments. The assignments is due that day unless I tell you otherwise. Failing to turn into the box or share with me assignments before the bell rings, results in your work being late. I will automatically take 20 points off of your grade, in addition to any points deducted for incorrect answers.
You will get progress reports every three weeks. The week you get your progress report (I will announce the date but typically the day after you get your progress report) will be the last day I will take anything missing from the progress report. At that point, your "missing" 0 will turn into a "permanent" 0 and I will make a note in PowerSchool that you failed to turn in your work on time.
If you are absent, you will have five days after you return to complete and turn in missed work. After that, a late indicator will be put into PowerSchool.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I want you to be successful. Procrastinating or not seeking to better your grade is not helping you to do so!
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