
Showing posts from 2016

Week 16: Industrial Revolution

This week you will be reading about the Industrial Revolution and learning what it was like to live during this time period.  Here is your "to-do" list to complete before you leave for Christmas Vacation!!  All links to questions and textbook can be found under the Assignments tab. Turn in 25.1 Beginning of Industrialization Read and Complete 25.2 Industrialization Read and Compete 25.3 Industrialization Spreads Read and Complete 25.4 Reforming the Industrial World Complete Industrial Revolution Test Watch: Filthy Cities - Industrial New York

Week 15: Age of Exploration

This week we will wrap up the Renaissance and look into how its new knowledge led to a movement to explore the world.  We will finally talk about this side of the world!! Vocabulary ( Definitions ) Leif Eriksson Henry the Navigator Astrolabe Caravel Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Circumnavigate Columbian Exchange Conquistadors Encomienda System Plantations Protestants Spanish Armada Northwest Passage Charter Immune Middle Passage African Diaspora Yes, there are more words this week, but we are getting down to the end of the semester, and these are things you need to know!! Monday Test on High Middle Ages and Renaissance Complete definitions Pretest for exploration. Tuesday Europeans Set Sail (Lesson One) Complete Sentences Wednesday (Early Release) Test Corrections Ketchup Complete Pictures Thursday Europeans Reach The Americas (Lesson Two) Complete Synonyms Friday Spain Builds an Empire (Lesson Three) Vo...

Christmas Ornament Review!!

Here are some examples of past ornaments.  Pick any topic and make the best ornament you can!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

Week 14: Renaissance, Reformation and Absolutism

We will continue to learn about the changes that happened in Europe during the Renaissance this week.  Begin class by defining your vocabulary words using your book. Watch these as you fill in your notes for 13.3!!! Part One Part Two Part Three Week 14: Renaissance, Reformation and Absolutism Indulgences Diet Predestination Theocracy Sect Canonize Compromise Ghetto Heliocentric Scientific Method Monday: You will need a copy of the notes to fill in as I go over them with you.  Click HERE to listen! You will also need to read The Reformation in order to answer the questions on the back of your notes.  Turn in the whole set of papers when you are done. *If you did not finish 13.2, do this FIRST!!

Week 12: Medieval Wrap Up

This week will conclude our discussions on the Medieval Ages and we will begin discussing the Renaissance.  You will have a test on Thursday and vocabulary quiz on focus!! Week 12: Medieval Part 3 Confronted Diverse Domain Flying Buttresses Gothic Style Holy Roman Empire Inquisition Parliament Reconquista Monday:  8.3 The Crusades Daily Question: Choose two words from your first vocabulary set and write sentences to explain what it means. Tuesday: 8.5 A Time for Crisis Daily Question:  Pick two pictures from the black board and explain what they are. Wednesday: Mankind: The Story of All of Us - Plague; Reading Activity Daily Question:  Pick two words from your second vocabulary set and write sentences to explain what it means. Thursday:  High Middle Ages Test Daily Question: What would happen to you if you got the Bubonic Plague? Friday: 13.1 The Renaissance in Italy  Daily Question: Pick two wor...

Week 11: Medieval Part II

  Week 11: The Medieval Times - Part II This week, we will continue to learn about the Middle Ages and how they brought about a change to the way of life in Europe.  This should be a very busy week, so please stay focused and on task. Vocabulary Words: (Due Thursday) Schism Longbow Due Process of Law Habeas Corpus Lay Investiture Crusades Holy Land Vernacular Black Death Epidemic Monday, 11.7:  Complete 7.4 Economic Recovery Sparks Change and Open Note Test on Rise of Europe. (Test is found under Test/Quizzes tab) Daily Question:  What is an apprentice? Tuesday, 11.8:  Benchmark and 8.1 Royal Power Grows.  Begin work on Coat of Arms Describe life on a manor. (3 sentences) Wednesday, 11.9:  8.2 The Holy Roman Empire and the Church How did the Magna Carta change the monarchy? Thursday, 11.10:  8.5 The Crusades.  Vocab due and quiz. What happened between Henry and Gregory? Friday, 11.11:  Veteran's ...

Week 10: Medieval Europe

This week we will begin learning about what happened when Rome fell throughout Western Europe.  We are finally moving out of the ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS! Vocabulary Words:  Common Law Papal Supremacy Vassal Fief Feudalism Battle of Tours Medieval Vikings Knight Secular Monday:  Professional Day Tuesday:  7.1 Western Europe in Decline  Wednesday: 7.2 The Manor System  Thursday:  7.3 The Medieval Church Friday:  7.4 Economic Recovery Sparks Change

Week Nine: Wrapping up Rome

This week we will wrap up our studies of Ancient Rome and wrap up the first quarter.  We will complete the Prezi and begin on a group and individual project to present later this week.  Be focused and be ready for a week full of chances to turn in anything that may still be missing. Week Nine: Vocabulary List Agrarian Urban Rural Arable Land Subsistence Agriculture Patron Emancipate Alliance System Suffrage Definitions are available here.

Week 8: Ancient Rome

This week, we will be learning about Ancient Rome...from the myth of its creation, to the life of a mighty empire, to its eventual fall into darkness.  (A lot to cover in just a few days!) Vocabulary for this week... Aqueduct Bishop Census Dictator Heresy Latifundia Martyr Messiah Patrician Plebeian Pope Republic Monday, October 17 Complete Ancient Greek God Project and present with your partner. Begin work on your vocabulary notebook.  Get all of your definitions done today! Primary Source: Tuesday, October 18 5.1 Rome Conquers the Mediterranean 5.1 Reading Summary Work on your vocabulary notebook.  Get all of your synonyms done today! Wednesday, October 19 5.2 From Republic to Empire 5.2 Reading Summary Work on your vocabulary notebook.  Write all of your sentences today! Thursday, October 20 Complete Notes from 5.2 and Reading Summary Ancient Rome: Expansion and Conquest Video     Viewing Guide 5.3...

Read Aloud for Greek Test

Click HERE to view the READ ALOUD version of the test you are taking today!!  Pause it as you feel necessary.

Week Seven: Wrapping up Ancient Greece

This week we will continue learning about Ancient Greece: how it was formed, its impact on our lives, and what caused its fall.  We will end the week with a Unit Test on Ancient Greece and by researching a specific Greek god.  Fun Fun Fun!!! Vocabulary Words for this week.  Phalanx Legislature Alliance Logic Rhetoric Heliocentric Alexander the Great Monday, October 10 4.4 The Glory that was Greece Primary Source: The Oration of Pericles Tuesday, October 11 4.5 Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age Wednesday, October 12 (Early Release) Test Review for Ancient Greece Thursday, October 13 Ancient Greek Test Primary Source Due Begin work on Ancient Greek God Project Friday, October 14 Continue and complete Ancient Greek God Project Vocabulary Due Vocabulary Quiz Daily Questions Due

Week 6: Ancient Greece

This week we will learn about Ancient Greece and all its glory!  We will look at the myth of its beginnings, track its rise and then see how its fall effected other cultures throughout the world.  We will end the week by looking at how one man was able to unite the entire known world under his rule. You have more vocabulary words this week, so I would use any free time to get ahead before you begin the week... Week Six: Ancient Greece Trojan War Shrine Fresco Polis Monarchy Oligarchy Democracy Tyrant Direct Democracy Jury Ostracism Philosopher Tragedy Comedy Assimilate Assassinate Remember it is also Spirit Week!!! Monday:  Superhero Day Tuesday: Twin Day Wednesday:  Wacky Tacky Day Thursday: #TBT (Generation Day) Friday: School Pride...Freshmen wear GRAY!!

9.29.16 In Class

This is what you need to be working on today for me... Vocabulary Test Click on the Test/Quizzes tab Week 5: Cumulative Test Turn in your Primary Source: Terracotta Warrior 3.4 Rise of Civilizations in China You will need to open up the Prezi that looks like WATER Scroll to the section of 3.4 Fill in your notes Complete the assessment questions and turn them in You may work with a partner that you sit beside quietly as long as you stay on task. Complete any missing assignments. Look at your sheet, and get me anything that you can!! Kahoot! Review If you can get these things done, we will review for your test tomorrow.  So stay focused!!!

Week Five: Ancient India and China (9.26-9.30)

This week we will be studying Ancient India and China.  We will learn about two of the world's largest religions - Hinduism and Buddhism.  We will also be learning about the geography of these areas and what made their ancient civilizations unique.  Vocabulary Notebooks:  You will NOT have new vocabulary words this week!!  You will, however, be having a cumulative vocabulary test on Thursday .  This will be a time for you to make sure all sections of your notebook are complete and review any words you may have been confused about earlier. Here is a rundown of our week: Monday:  3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part I - Hinduism Tuesday:  3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism Part II - Buddhism Wednesday:  3.3 Indian Civilizations Thursday:  3.4 Rise of Civilizations in China and the Silk Road (Bull Pride time will be a vocabulary and test review!) Friday: Test on Ancient India and China IF the amount of talking and distractions in...

Read Aloud for Ancient Middle East and Egypt Test

If you have a read aloud modification, or you feel you simply need to hear the test outloud... play the video below and follow the directions I give you so you can hear me and take the test at the same time.   YOU MUST WEAR EARBUDS and keep the volume low enough not to disturb your neighbors!!  Take you time and good luck!!! P.S. I love y'all, but this is the fourth take I did of making this video.  I know my phone goes off.  I know my dogs are barking.  I know all that.  Please don't let it be too distracting!! My apologies! Click HERE to view the video!

Week Four: Ancient India

This week we will wrap up our studies of Ancient Egypt and the Middle East and begin learning about Ancient India, Buddhism and Hinduism.   Vocabulary Week 4: Ancient India Four Nobles Truths Eightfold Path Missionaries Caste Reincarnation Monsoon Subcontinent Moksha Karma Nirvana Your Daily Questions can be found on this Google Slide and this Answer Sheet !

Today, we remember...

Week Two: Foundations of Civilization

This week we will begin our lessons on ancient civilizations.  We will study man from his very beginnings as hunters and gatherers up to the stages when civilizations were born. Your vocabulary words for this week are: prehistory artifact paleolithic period neolithic period neolithic revolution civilization polytheistic city-state scribe empire You will have a change to work on your vocabulary notebook in class each day.  It will be due on FRIDAY this week.  You will also have a quiz on these words on FRIDAY.

Week One: Welcome!!

I am extremely excited to have you in my class this semester! I look forward to delving into World History and learning about all the amazing people who have walked this Earth before us! But...before we can do any of that, we need to get some housekeeping things out of the way. Please begin the class by completing today's Daily Question.  On a blank sheet of paper, write the question (in this case the beginning of a sentence) and then complete it.  Keep up with this paper, because we will be adding to it and turning in for a grade on Friday. Syllabus Classroom Rules and Procedures Parent Contact  Information This week, we will be reviewing different geographical locations throughout the world.  I have several activities planned that will help you familiarize yourself with the areas we will be discussing soon. Monday, August 28 Daily Question:  What is one thing you are excited to learn about in World History this semester? Syllabus and Classroom P...

Welcome to SSHS!!

Welcome to SSHS and to World History!!! I am so pleased to have you in my class this semester and cannot wait to know you better.  I have many wonderful things planned for you to better understand our world and the amazing history it holds. We do have A LOT of material to cover this semester (Like 9,000 years of history in less than 90 days A LOT), but we need to cover some housekeeping things first. So..... Syllabus Procedures and How To's You will go over these in homeroom, but it is good to have them as a reference! SSHS Student Handbook SCS Code of Conduct

Study Plan for World History Exam

Study Plan for World History Exam (Click here!) I have created an outline d and detailed study plan for you to complete in preparation for your exam.  My suggestion on how to use this: Choose the areas that you think will help you the most.  If videos help, watch CrashCourse.  If you want access to more indepth reading, do the Regents Prep Pack.   Challenge yourself.  You need to make yourself work for this information in order to better understand what you are learning.  Don't just skim over a paper, really read.  Make notes.  Highlight.  Look or read something that makes you truly think!! Focus on material we have not gotten to in class.  We will cover Unit 8, but we don't have time to go very far.  This also makes up 20-24% of our exam. For various reasons, we weren't able to spend the time I wanted to here.  So make sure to review this stuff.   Study.  Look over this information.  Use the tools I h...

Exam Prep Time Is Here!!!

FIRST, we need to complete to online tutorial for your NCFE.   We will all watch the video tutorial on my screen. You will then complete the individual tutorial on your chromebook.  From your app menu, choose the NCTest app and select tutorial.  Follow the directions. Sign the paper that I pass around stating you have completed the tutorial. ____________________________________________________________ This week, we will begin our prepping for the NCFE you will take in a couple of weeks. It is important that you are active in your studying for this exam.  It counts toward your final grade, which should be very important to you.  We have been tasked with learning the entire history of the world in less than 90 day!! It is nearly impossible, so there are many things we have not covered in depth (or at all).  Below are links to documents and resources you can use to study.  Some of these will be covered in class, but you need to take it upon you...

AP US GoPo Mock Election

The AP US GoPo class is holing a mock election on May 31.  Before this can happen, they need to hold an open democratic primary.  I want you to participate!!!  Please complete the form below to have your voice heard in our school presidential election!!  When you have submitted your vote, look at  THIS !! Loading...

The Great War

Below are links to videos we will be using this week to further our understanding of World War I. American History: The Rise of the 20th Century - WWI: a New Kind of War Honors - Crash Course: War Part I War Part II Standard - Crash Course:  World War I Trench Warfare:  All Quiet on the Western Front - The Charge Legends of the Fall - The Battle of Ypes What life was like during WWI: Downton Abbey: Season 2 Episode 1

Age of Revolutions and Rebellion

Your presentations are due tomorrow (Fri, 5.6).  Make sure they are completed and great! You are going to be responsible for teaching the class about your topic.  Here are the questions I am going to be looking for while I grade your presentation.  Good luck and do wonderful!!  _____________________________________________________________ Grading Sheet for Age of Revolution and Rebellion Project Were the following questions answered? Who was involved? What is it all about? When did it happen? Where did it happen? (with map) Why is it important? How is it a revolution? Was the presentation well planned? Did you do a good job with your presentation (Acted professional while presenting and listened while others presented)? Were two questions turned in? Are there pictures/videos in the presentation?

What to do?? (5.4.16)

Good afternoon!  Today, you are going to be working on several different (and very important!) things.  It is important that you use your time wisely in order to get it all done.  Please use this time to your advantage!! Click HERE to have me explain what we are doing today! Test corrections:  If your original test score from Monday was BELOW A 75, you need to first work on test corrections.  I will give you one point per correct answer back to your score.  This is important for some of you!! Missing Work:  All work that has been given to me is graded.  Which means, all work NOT given to me is listed as a zero in PowerSchool.  You need to get this to me.  All missing work was due last Friday, so I am being VERY nice letting you do this! :) Work on your projects.  Any time you have left over (or if you did well on your test and have no missing work) needs to be devoted to your project.  Use this time wisely.  The...

Click here for the Kahoot to study with for Monday's test!!

Career Clusters

Click HERE to see what career clusters are available to you.  Look at what you have already taken, what you are interested in, and what you may want to do after college.  Make everything you do count!!

If the World had 100 people...


Friday, April 22

We are going to try something new today!!  Since I am not there, I have prepared videos (using Screencastify) to go over your lesson and add all the things to it that I normally would share with you.  So the day can go just as it always would.   Begin by watching CNN Student News.  Please pay attention.  Typically you are doing vocab during this time, but since we did that together yesterday...just listen since so much has happened this week. We did an introduction to Exploration yesterday, so today we will begin the PowerPoint.  Click on the videos below and follow along with me in your notes to fill in the blanks.  Pause the videos when you are supposed to answer questions, or if you need to go back over something.   First off...Click on these Part One:  Introduction to New Technology  Part Two:  New Technology to Assessment Questions When we finish, complete the assessment questions.  There are six with this lesson...

Age of Exploration

We will finish out this week by beginning our study on the Age of Exploration.  We will see how Europe has fully emerged from the Middle Ages, embraced the Renaissance and with that began to explore the world around them.  We will follow each European country's route to North and South America and try to understand why they came over here to begin with.   This unit will not have a Prezi, but the Google Slide is linked under the "Assignments" tab.  Several other assignments are linked, but will be given to you on paper to draw, map and better understand what we are talking about.  I hope to also utilize some of the tools that I learned we will see!!