Study Plan for World History Exam
Study Plan for World History Exam (Click here!) I have created an outline d and detailed study plan for you to complete in preparation for your exam. My suggestion on how to use this: Choose the areas that you think will help you the most. If videos help, watch CrashCourse. If you want access to more indepth reading, do the Regents Prep Pack. Challenge yourself. You need to make yourself work for this information in order to better understand what you are learning. Don't just skim over a paper, really read. Make notes. Highlight. Look or read something that makes you truly think!! Focus on material we have not gotten to in class. We will cover Unit 8, but we don't have time to go very far. This also makes up 20-24% of our exam. For various reasons, we weren't able to spend the time I wanted to here. So make sure to review this stuff. Study. Look over this information. Use the tools I h...