Exam Prep Time Is Here!!!
FIRST, we need to complete to online tutorial for your NCFE. We will all watch the video tutorial on my screen. You will then complete the individual tutorial on your chromebook. From your app menu, choose the NCTest app and select tutorial. Follow the directions. Sign the paper that I pass around stating you have completed the tutorial. ____________________________________________________________ This week, we will begin our prepping for the NCFE you will take in a couple of weeks. It is important that you are active in your studying for this exam. It counts toward your final grade, which should be very important to you. We have been tasked with learning the entire history of the world in less than 90 day!! It is nearly impossible, so there are many things we have not covered in depth (or at all). Below are links to documents and resources you can use to study. Some of these will be covered in class, but you need to take it upon you...