
Showing posts from May, 2016

Exam Prep Time Is Here!!!

FIRST, we need to complete to online tutorial for your NCFE.   We will all watch the video tutorial on my screen. You will then complete the individual tutorial on your chromebook.  From your app menu, choose the NCTest app and select tutorial.  Follow the directions. Sign the paper that I pass around stating you have completed the tutorial. ____________________________________________________________ This week, we will begin our prepping for the NCFE you will take in a couple of weeks. It is important that you are active in your studying for this exam.  It counts toward your final grade, which should be very important to you.  We have been tasked with learning the entire history of the world in less than 90 day!! It is nearly impossible, so there are many things we have not covered in depth (or at all).  Below are links to documents and resources you can use to study.  Some of these will be covered in class, but you need to take it upon you...

AP US GoPo Mock Election

The AP US GoPo class is holing a mock election on May 31.  Before this can happen, they need to hold an open democratic primary.  I want you to participate!!!  Please complete the form below to have your voice heard in our school presidential election!!  When you have submitted your vote, look at  THIS !! Loading...

The Great War

Below are links to videos we will be using this week to further our understanding of World War I. American History: The Rise of the 20th Century - WWI: a New Kind of War Honors - Crash Course: War Part I War Part II Standard - Crash Course:  World War I Trench Warfare:  All Quiet on the Western Front - The Charge Legends of the Fall - The Battle of Ypes What life was like during WWI: Downton Abbey: Season 2 Episode 1

Age of Revolutions and Rebellion

Your presentations are due tomorrow (Fri, 5.6).  Make sure they are completed and great! You are going to be responsible for teaching the class about your topic.  Here are the questions I am going to be looking for while I grade your presentation.  Good luck and do wonderful!!  _____________________________________________________________ Grading Sheet for Age of Revolution and Rebellion Project Were the following questions answered? Who was involved? What is it all about? When did it happen? Where did it happen? (with map) Why is it important? How is it a revolution? Was the presentation well planned? Did you do a good job with your presentation (Acted professional while presenting and listened while others presented)? Were two questions turned in? Are there pictures/videos in the presentation?

What to do?? (5.4.16)

Good afternoon!  Today, you are going to be working on several different (and very important!) things.  It is important that you use your time wisely in order to get it all done.  Please use this time to your advantage!! Click HERE to have me explain what we are doing today! Test corrections:  If your original test score from Monday was BELOW A 75, you need to first work on test corrections.  I will give you one point per correct answer back to your score.  This is important for some of you!! Missing Work:  All work that has been given to me is graded.  Which means, all work NOT given to me is listed as a zero in PowerSchool.  You need to get this to me.  All missing work was due last Friday, so I am being VERY nice letting you do this! :) Work on your projects.  Any time you have left over (or if you did well on your test and have no missing work) needs to be devoted to your project.  Use this time wisely.  The...