
Showing posts from February, 2016


Log in to Powerschool! I have updated grades and entered ZEROS for all missing work!  Please get this to me by Friday, or I will be happy to let you keep your free ZERO!  Thank ya much!! Overall, I couldn't be happier with the progress this class is making! If I can ever do anything or be of any assistance....PLEASE let me know!!! :)

Week 4: Ancient India and China

This week, we will begin studying Ancient India and China.  We will first travel to India, where we will learn more about two of the most influential religions in the world....Hinduism and Buddhism.  The traditions of these religions have shaped the cultures of this region for thousands of year.   There are so many wonderful things throughout the history of this region, that it will be hard to cram it all in a few days! 
Hello!! I am very excited to be joining the family of South Stanly High School!!  I have many wonderful things planned for us as we learn more about the history of the world!  From mummies and pyramids, to gladiators and battles, to knights and castles, and all the way up to what happened yesterday...we are going to take a journey through all the things that make our world...well, cool!   This blog will be a useful resource to you every single day.  This is where you will find presentations, assignments, links that will make things easier, and even your tests/quizzes.  The weekly update will tell you what we do in class everyday.  Use this to keep on track with what is going on. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.  I am here to help you and to support you any way I can.  So sit back, relax, take a deep breath, and get ready to travel around the world's history in less than 80 days!!